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        廖柏亭 博士

籍貫: 台灣省雲林縣
學歷: 國立成功大學機械工程學系 學士 (1998/09 ~ 2002/06)
            國立台灣大學應用力學研究所 碩士 (2002/09 ~ 2004/06)
            國立台灣大學機械工程學系 博士 (2004/09 ~ 2009/01)

Journal Paper
(1)Y. J. Yang, B. T. Liao, and W. C. Kuo, "A novel 2×2 MEMS optical switch using the split cross-bar design," Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 17, pp. 875-882, May 2007.
(2)Y. J. Yang, and B. T. Liao, "A novel 4×4 optical switch using an anisotropically-etched micro-mirror array and a bi-stable mini-actuator array," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 21, pp. 115-117, Jan. 2009.
(3)Y. J. Yang, B. T. Liao, S. C. Shih, and K. C. Fan, “The Development of An 8x8 Optical Switch”, Accepted by Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2009. (Paper No: 09027).
(4)B. T. Liao, H. H. Shen, and Y. J. Yang, “A 2x2 Bi-stable Optical Switch Monolithically Integrated with Variable Optical Attenuators”, submitted to Optics Express, 2009. (Paper ID: 115048)
(5)B. T. Liao, S. C. Shih, K. C. Fan, and Y. J. Yang, “Development of A 2x2 Optical Switch Using Electromagnetic Solenoid-based Bi-stable Actuators”, submitted to Sensors and Actuators – A Physical, 2009. (Paper ID: SNA-D-09-00472)
(6)B. T. Liao, S. C. Shih, K. C. Fan, and Y. J. Yang, “A 2x2 Split Cross-bar Optical Switch Using a Novel Actuation Configuration”, submitted to Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS, 2009. (Paper ID: JM3 09126)
Conference Paper
(1)B. T. Liao, W. C. Kuo and Y. J. Yang, "Development of a novel micromachined 2×2 optical switch," The 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2006),Singapore, June 25-28, 2006.
(2)B. T. Liao, W. C. Kuo, and Y. J. Yang, "N×N optical switches using the split cross-bar design and the hybrid design," The 1st AOTULE Student Workshop on Mechanical Engineering jointed with the 5th KAIST-Tokyo Tech Mechanical Engineering Workshop, Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 27-30, 2007. (Oral presentation)
(3)B. T. Liao, and Y. J. Yang, "Development of a 4×4 hybrid optical switch," The 12th NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech 2008), Boston, United States, June 1-5, 2008.
(4)B. T. Liao, and Y. J. Yang, "Fabrication and Measurement of a hybrid optical switch," The 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Transducers and Micro-Nano Technology (APCOT 2008), Tainan, Taiwan, June 22-25, 2008. (Oral presentation)
(5)B. T. Liao, S. C. Shih, W. C. Kuo, and Y. J. Yang, "Development of MEMS-based optical switches," INSIGHT Technology Workshop: Micro/Nanosystem Technology, National Taiwan University INSIGHT Center, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 25, 2008. (Oral presentation)
(1)楊燿州, 廖柏亭, 郭文正, "/奈米技術於N×N光開關系統之發展-子計畫二:NxN複合式光開關之研製(1/3)," 工程科技通訊,96, 70-74, 2008.
(2)楊燿州, 廖柏亭, 施順智, "/奈米技術於N×N光開關系統之發展-子計畫二:NxN複合式光開關之研製(3/3)," 中華民國科學技術年鑑(96年度),2008.
(3)楊燿州, 廖柏亭, 郭文正, "分裂十字型光開關之研製," 台灣大學工學院簡訊,92, 2008.
(1)楊燿州, 范光照, 鍾添東, 廖柏亭, "光開關," 中華民國專利M298130 新型,  2006921公告.
(2)Y. J. Yang, K. C. Fan, T. T. Chung, B. T. Liao, "Optical switch," U.S. Patent, Sep. 17, 2007.(Application no.: 11/853,352)
(3)楊燿州, 廖柏亭, "複合式光開關裝置," 中華民國專利 發明, 2008922申請(申請案號:097136255).
(4) Y. J. Yang, and B. T. Liao, "Hybrid optical switch apparatus," U.S. Patent, (Submitted for application)

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