8051微處理器與電路設計(8051 microprocesser components and circuit design) 馬達運動控制(Motion control) 可撓性電子與觸覺壓力感測陣列(Flexible device and tactile sensing array)
液晶與奈米碳管之特性與應用(Liquid crystals and carbon nanotubes)
化學氣體感測元件 (Chemical gas sensing device)
Journal Papers
1. J.-C. Kuo, P.-H. Kuo, Y.-T. Lai, C.-W. Ma, S.-S. Lu, and Y.-J. Yang, “A Passive Inertial Switch Using MWCNT-hydrogel Composite with Wireless Interrogation Capability,” IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems (Accepted) (2012) (SCI/EI) (2011 IF:2.098)
2. Y.-T. Lai,Y.-M. Chen and Y.-J. Yang, “A Novel CNT-PDMS-Based Tactile Sensing Array with Resistivity Retaining and Recovering by Using Dielectrophoresis Effect,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 21 (2012), 217-223, (SCI/EI) (2011 IF:2.098)
3. Y.-T. Lai, Y.-M. Chen, T. Liu and Y.-J. Yang, “A Tactile Sensing Array with Tunable Sensing Ranges Using Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed in Liquid Crystal Composites,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 177 (2012), 48-53. (SCI/EI) (2011 IF:1.802)
4. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-T. Lai and Y.-J. Yang, “Polymer-based Carbon-nanotube Film with Reversible Signal Tracking Capabilities,” Materials letters, 65 (2011), 3533-3536,. (SCI/EI) (2011 IF:2.307)
5. M.-Y. Cheng, C.-L. Lin, Y.-T. Lai and Y.-J. Yang, “A Polymer-Based Capacitive Sensing Array for Normal and Shear Force Measurement,” Sensors, 10 (2010), 10211-10225, (SCI/EI) (2011 IF:1.739)
6. M.-Y. Cheng, C.-M. Tsao, Y.-Z. Lai and Y.-J. Yang, “The Development of A Highly Twistable Tactile Sensing Array with Stretchable Helical Electrodes,” Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 166 (2009), 226-233. (SCI/EI) (2011 IF:1.802)
Conference Papers.
1. Y.-T. Lai and Y.-J. Yang, “A novel gas sensor using polymer dispersed liquid crystal doped with carbon nanotubes”, 26th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE-MEMS 2013), Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
2. Y.-T. Lai, Y.-M. Chen, C.-T. Chen and Y.-J. Yang, “Development of Shear Sensing System for a Three-Finger Robot Hand”, 2011 IEEE International conference on robotics and biomimetics(IEEE-ROBIO 2011), pp. 1183-1187., Phuket Island, Thailand, 2011. (Oral presentation).
3. Y.-T. Lai, Y.-L. Su, Y.-M. Chen, M.-Y. Cheng and Y.-J. Yang, “Development of a flexible capacitive sensor array for robotic tactile sensing applications”, The 11th International Conference on Automation Technology(Automation 2011), Douliu, Taiwan, 2011. (Oral presentation).
4. Y.-T. Lai and Y.-J. Yang, “A Pressure Sensor Array With Sensing Ranges Tunable by Driving Frequency”, The 14th NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (Nanotech 2011), Boston, Massachusetts, 2011.
5. Y.-T. Lai, W.-C. Kuo and Y.-J. Yang, “A Tactile Sensing Array With Tunable Sensing Ranges Using Liquid Crystal And Carbon Nanotubes Composites”, 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE-MEMS 2011), pp. 553-556.,Cancun, Mexico, 2011.
6. Y.-M. Chen, Y.-T. Lai and Y.-J. Yang, “A Novel Tactile Sensing Array With Image Retaining And Erasing Capability Using CNT-PDMS Polymer Mixed By Dielectrophoresis”, 24th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE-MEMS 2011), pp.541-544. ,Cancun, Mexico, 2011.
7. Y.-T. Lai, C.-L. Lin, X.-H. Huang, M.-Y. Cheng and Y.-J. Yang, “A Flexible Tactile Sensing Array for Robot Applications,” The 9th Annual IEEE Conference on Sensors(IEEE Sensors 2010),Waikoloa, Hawaii, 2010. (Oral presentation).
8. C.-W. Ma, M.-Y. Cheng, Y.-T. Laiand Y.-J. Yang, “Multi-perception Sensing Arrays for Robot Hands”, The SICE Annual Conference 2010(SICE 2010), Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.
9. M.-Y. Cheng, C.-M. Tsao, Y.-T. Lai and Y.-J. Yang, “A Novel Highly-twistable Tactile Sensing Array Using Extendable Spiral Electrodes,” 22nd IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (IEEE-MEMS 2009), pp.92-95, Sorrento, Italy, 2009. (Oral presentation).